From the Pastor's Heart: “For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.” I Cor.4:20

This is such a powerful statement in Paul’s letter to the Corinthian Church and to Christ Church.  The campus pastors and I can genuinely say that the worshippers of Christ Church have been “…living by God’s power” since our summer season began:

  • Our Ghana Medical Mission Team planted three new churches in Shama, Ghana, giving medical care to 607 people and baptizing 95 persons in three villages. We built and dedicated three new pavilions/churches for the new churches to worship in. 
  • Mega Sports Camp had 195 kids attend our Mt. View and Statesville campuses and dozens of children professed faith in Christ. We had 150 wonderful volunteers who made this possible at both campuses!
  • Fuge Camp for our CCStudents was amazing with 60 students attending, 12 adult leaders,  and so many of our students have committed to living as “Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus”.
  • Dozens of our CCKids had life transforming encounters with our Lord at Look Up Lodge Camp.  Our adult volunteers did a great job investing in our CCKids.
  • 56 Families committed to the 90 Day Challenge to tithe their income for this summer as a spiritual discipline of trusting God and putting Christ first in their finances.
  • We have nearly 100 leaders signed up to attend our Global Leadership Summit hosted at Christ Church August 8 and 9 for when “Leaders get better, everyone wins”! 

Here are further opportunities for you to roll up your sleeves as worshippers and devoted followers of Christ Church  “20 For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.”    We still need volunteers to help with…

  • Back to School Bash—August 18 from 2-5pm at our Northside Campus. Our goal is to give 1800 backpacks full of school supplies to meet the needs of kids and students.  You can still order online to purchase supplies and to sign up to volunteer.  Click the link bit.ly/CCBash or go to our website christnc.com
  • Sunday, August 25 at 5 p.m. the Christ Church Mt. View Campus will host a Church Wide Baptism service with all campuses coming together to worship and celebrate the gift of Baptism. The message will be different than Sunday morning as we celebrate New Life in Christ.  It’s vital that the body of Christ come out and support those being baptized into the Christian Faith and into the Christ Church Family.
  • Continue to support the mission and ministry of Christ Church through your tithes and offerings.  As of last Sunday we are $173,186.58 short of meeting budget.  We thank you for your continued faithfulness as lives are being changed each week.

Many of us may not know that our worship services are reaching up to 14,000 inmates in 96 county jails in 14 states throughout the southeast. I received a recent letter from an inmate in a county jail who wrote, “I have been watching your videos online through our tablets here and watching some sermons over and over again…I have rededicated my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and I run a prayer circle in here (the jail).”

This is further evidence that your financial gifts are making an impact and 20 “For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.”

With great love and appreciation for you,
Pastor Charles and Julie
Rising 6th Graders will be moving from Children's Ministry into Student Ministry on Sunday, August 11th. As they make this exciting transition, we want them to be able to connect with their fellow rising 6th graders and celebrate by going bowling together. For more details and to register, visit bit.ly/CCKds

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